Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison is a casual bartending game tasking players with mixing drinks to order, based on only hints.
LMB to pick things up and pour
RMB to put them back
Escape to pause
Pick up the cup and hover it over the guest to serve.
Known bug! The web build is not showing the descriptions correctly for the right side of the bar, scroll down this page to get the proper list of them
Made by:
Nomyzs - programming, UI, sound
RJackal32 -art,
GGD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1phjhNXf1gUf9aOgq50KN36YlEcmTUY_Upj1u5aP-4HE/...
by Kenney Vleugels (Kenney.nl)
- Cursor Pack (1.1)
- Fantasy UI Borders (1.0)
- Particle Pack (1.1)
Baskerville- Copyright 2018 The Baskervville Project Authors (https://github.com/anrt-type/ANRT-Baskervville)
Jazz Background Music Loop by Migfus20 -- https://freesound.org/s/559850/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
background_chatter_tavern.wav by dazzamoo -- https://freesound.org/s/651364/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Liquor Bottle Pour 01 by RoganMcDougald -- https://freesound.org/s/260559/ -- License: Attribution 3.0
Wine Bottle Foley Red Wine Pour and Handling by tylerwalker91 -- https://freesound.org/s/720950/ -- License: Creative Commons 0
Glasses Clink.wav by PaladinVII -- https://freesound.org/s/656728/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
List of Drinks on the right from the top left to bottom right:
Pink Stuff (Pink) - Apparently the cleaning shift lost something, sour-faced. But well, Finder's keepers.
Ilithid Authority (Purple) - Power courses through you, bringing all minds to a bitter defeat.
Liquid Mana (Dark Blue) - Bring the life to the whole party with well balanced sweet & sour energy drink
Golden Order Whiskey (Gold) - Maturing for 15 years in a Erdtree cask, this whiskey truly got the hints of bitter defeat as well as sweet victory.
Wyvern's Kiss (Red) - Not as hot as Dragon's Breath, yet this tequilla still brings the heat!
Red Dragon (Brown) - Being close enough to a dragon to properly examine it's color comes with some risks. Quick to become too hot to handle.
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